Nori is from Brazil. Her parents are both FCI champions. She carries a beautiful Steele blue, shiny coat. she has excellent confirmation 6 x 6 teeth adorable teddy bear ears she 6 1/4 pounds very lightweight. We held back two of her puppies because they are just gorgeous.

Suzie Q
Susie Q's parents are from Brazil long line of FCI Multiple champions in several countries. She carries a brava, York tennis lines as well as the Durrer line. Beautiful steel blue, silky shiny coat. Excellent confirmation 7 1/2 pounds. She delivers gorgeous puppies..

Sniffles is an adorable small 5 1/2 pound, black and tan with a super fun personality. She loves her toys and she loves to parade them. She gives us very small puppies and they're adorable. We love her because of her small size and her excellent personality.

Cheyenne is from our beautiful Nori out of Brazil and our gorgeous stud River who is from Russia. Very beautiful silky coat that she sports well, she has adorable little teddy bear face and with all hands down the sweetest loving personality but also portrays the Yorkshire terrier sassiness that makes her just the most perfect Yorkie.

Bianca is very small compact dainty 5 pound Diva. The one paw up is part of her character, and it means I'm not sure I want you to pet me but OK. After she gets to know you, she's all about "Pet me love me. Hold me hug me let it be all about me."definitely the adorable little teddy bear face, teddy bear ears, pocket purse yorkie if you're looking for a small tiny Tot to add to your family, her puppies would be the most desired. She also carries the partie Jean so she can give white puppies as well.

Spark is a tiny little Spitfire of a Yorkshire terrier, dark smoked silver coat with a very beautiful red face. She is 5 pounds and up in your business at all times, if you're looking for a little terrier, and small compact size for a carry bag with an attitude, she's your gal to deliver that special Puppy.

Omee Is a shiny silver silky coat sassy pants, Yorkie. She is 6 1/2 pounds of cute little face and has a personality to die for. She's very into her human and wants all the attention if you're looking for a companion that is up in your business at all times and is all about me.Me me, then she is your mama that you want to get your puppies from her puppies are very small compact size and loyal.